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6 Different Types of Walking Assistance Devices For You

6 Different Types of Walking Assistance Devices For You

There are many different types of devices that offer walking assistance for people who have mobility issues and the elderly. Since the likelihood of falling over increases with age, it makes sense that a variety of different walking aids have been developed to provide support and safety to those who need it. It might be hard for you to figure out where to start, so in keeping with this we have listed a number of different types of devices that Day’s Mobility offer to aid in walking assistance below.

Walking sticks

Walking sticks are possibly the most common form of walking aid that our elderly are likely to be using. As we grow older, our balance begins to falter, and a walking stick is something that can massively help with proper stability while reducing any strain that is placed on your legs. Walking sticks can also be highly portable, and since Day’s Mobility offers folding adjustable versions, they are very easy to transport!


Just like walking sticks, crutches take the weight from an individual’s legs and transfers some of it across the upper body instead. Crutches are commonly used in pairs, and are often used as a temporary walking assistance device. At Day’s Mobility, our crutches offer three handle options (standard, ergonomic, comfy) and two levels of adjustment (single adjustable and double adjustable).


Walkers are made from a metal frame that has four legs, and are otherwise known as Zimmer frames. Walkers are fantastic for assistance because they provide more balance and support than crutches and walking sticks since they have far more contact with the ground. Despite the fact that they are larger than crutches and walking sticks, walkers are still very much lightweight and, of course, foldable.


The classic Zimmer frame might be the most basic version of walker, but rollators present another option. Rollators typically have a frame that has handlebars, four wheels and a seat where the user can rest their legs when required. Rollators also usually have hand brakes that offer additional safety, especially given the number of wheels. Rollators can be especially useful for people who are challenged with mobility that need more support in walking than average but are not prepared to consider a wheelchair yet.


Wheelchairs are best used by people who cannot or should not be putting weight onto their lower body, or for those who simply cannot/struggle to walk. Wheelchairs can be the perfect mobility aid for those people who have more advanced forms of disability or for those who need to travel further distances.

Mobility scooters

While they can be very similar to wheelchairs, mobility scooters tend to be bulkier devices that are typically designed to be operated outside, and are battery powered with steering controls. Like wheelchairs, mobility scooters are less ‘walking assistance device’ and more walking replacement device. When it comes to mobility scooters, many people are concerned with aspects of convenience that make transporting their scooters difficult. Luckily for you, Day’s Mobility have a range of transportable scooters that eliminates this issue entirely!

Days Mobility are the specialist company for Mobility Aids & Accessories. Established in 1993, Days Mobility is a family run business with over 100 years of collective experience.  We have a wide range of mobility scooters in stock and you’re very welcome to come to our showroom and try them out to determine what’s right for you!  We’ll be on hand to answer any of the questions you may have and share with you our years of experience in the mobility sector.

 For all of our product range, or for any further information on who we are and what we do, take a look here or simply give us a call on 0800 0260 558 – we’d be happy to help!